We had a choice.....parasail or jetski. Hmmmmm? Since Jenesa never parasailed before, I gave her the chance to decide what she wanted to do (of course, I wanted to jetski). For most of the afternoon we were camped out on the beach watching other people parasail near the Hoi An shoreline. OK....let's go do it!
Once we were all strapped in.....there were only TWO directions to follow.....1.) hold on to the chute straps where we were buckled, and 2.) once the boat starts moving watch the rope line and start running (approx. 15-20 feet from the beach to the water) when the line gets tight! Then prepare for liftoff! No problem, right?
Oh, Jenesa! She wasn't paying attention.....and forgot to start running. The chute never opened behind us. And, we were literally dragged 60 yards out through the water (bouncing and bobbing) behind the motorboat. I never tasted so much salt water in my life. Blah! Finally, the boat stopped and we had to return to shore and try again!
This time....SUCCESS! We lifted off from the beach and spent the next fifteen minutes circling the shoreline overlooking the beaches and town of Hoi An. Needless to say....after that first attempt, we definitely got our money's worth on this adventure (and some black & blue marks too!).